Getting Closer to the Highest Record, Robert Kiyosaki Projects Bitcoin to Jump to This Position

Posted by – Bitcoin price is getting closer to its all-time high. Veteran investor Robert Kiyosaki projects that Bitcoin prices will jump to this position in the middle of the year.

Referring to CoinMarketCap data, the price of Bitcoin on Monday (4/5) had reached US$ 65,500, approaching the all-time high record of US$ 69,00 which was set in November 2021.

“Thank you Bitcoin for doing your job, destroying counterfeit US dollars and restoring the integrity of money,” said Kiyosaki on his X account, February 29.

Kiyosaki also estimates that Bitcoin prices could fly to this level in June.

“Bitcoin (price) will be US$ 100,000 in June 2024,” said Kiyosaki on his X account, February 19.

Previously, Kiyosaki stated that the threat of war was getting bigger. He also bought more Bitcoin and Silver

“Please be careful. The banking crisis is getting worse. The threat of war is getting bigger,” said Kiyosaki on his X account, February 25.

“The central bank (of the United States) will push CBDC, Central Bank Digital Currency, to spy on us,” he said.

Kiyosaki also admitted that he bought more Bitcoin and silver.

“Silver has the greatest bargaining power. I will use silver as money, not fake US dollars,” he stressed.

The author of the popular book Rich Dad, Poor Dad said he is often asked: “What happens if the price of Bitcoin falls?”

“My view remains the same for Bitcoin, gold or silver,” said Kiyosaki.

“My answer is, I will be happy and will buy more, once the destruction stops,” he added.

“When all the markets crash, what do you do with your assets, and “sell” are my four favorite letters,” said Kiyosaki.

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